My new KETTLE and avoiding PLASTICS for my health.

Emma - The Life Clinic
6 min readFeb 12, 2018

Hi BB’s !!! That’s what I’m going to call people who read Berry Beau blogs now :P

Pronounced “Bebies” like “babiezz”. Hah.

I hope everyone is doing well, sorry I’ve been a little quiet on the blogging front! I’ve been on tour again playing fiddle for an amazing singer Fanny Lumsden as well as doing my own shows at the Gympie Muster and so on! Whoohoo. It’s been fun but VERY full on.

I’m going to be honest with you all though — because that’s what Berry Beau is about for me, an open book — I’ve had some anxiety around writing blogs and doing youtube videos that no one really cares about what I have to say… I felt like that for about 3 months, I felt unworthy? It’s hard playing the game with other bloggers out there getting 1 million readers and vloggers getting 30,000 views per video… and here’s new little Emma on the health scene with her anxiety and her hormones!?

But today — I’ve made a decision- to stop giving a shit what anyone else thinks! I don’t care if I get one view on my Youtube video or 1 person likes this blog because it’s MY journey and I’m not in it for likes. I’m in it to document my feelings and to use the internet as a tool to help my anxiety and learn a LOT more about my health. A plus is that I’ve met heaps of you guys along the way and made a few great friends out of the experience.

SO — that leads me to todays blog.

My new KETTLE and avoiding PLASTICS for my health. 😱 😃 😱

On my journey to wellness I’ve read SO many things about plastics and how to avoid their toxic load. When you drink out of many plastic water bottles and store your food in plastic containers they can leak BPA into your goods!

So basically if you have an autoimmune disorder like endo, thyroid troubles or any other hormonal based illness like PCOS, ovarian cysts OR conditions like asthma, allergies, headaches, low immunity etc- it’s a good idea to AVOID most plastic items.

What is BPA and why it’s dangerous taken from Wellness Mama:

“BPA (bisphenol-A) is a synthetic estrogen used in making many plastic products like plastic bottles, baby bottles, children’s toys and even medical devices. It is also part of the epoxy resin that lines many metal cans, like those used for canned vegetables, fruits and meats.”

“it is an endocrine disruptor,bisphenol-A may also lead to hormone imbalance, infertility, early puberty, increased risk of reproductive cancers, low sperm count and other hormone-related problems.”

YIKES — No thank you.

Even though I’ve personally struggled with a hormonal imbalance, PCOS, anxiety and now a touchy thyroid I feel kind of lucky because it took me on a journey to better my health and my families health and hopefully stop more serious conditions as we age.

So in this blog I’ll talk about my FAVOURITE BPA free/safe homewears and lifestyle choices:

The old kettle hit the dust last week and when it was time for a new one I did some serious investigating! Most plastic kettles contain BPA and even if they don’t contain BPA I still don’t trust them to leak chemicals into my water as they heat up… This is where the Breville Glass Kettle came in:

$70 from JBHIFI and it doesn’t have a SCRAP of plastic in it. Some of the stainless steal models in the stores looked good until I saw there was a plastic measuring piece in them… no thanks. This kettle boils up 1.7ltrs and who doesn’t love watching water boil…. It’s fun!

Next up is our water bottles! The one I use is a BPA free bottle from Go Vita health stores. It is a 1.8ltr size which is the perfect amount for me — my partner uses the 2.4ltr and we find them SO easy to cart around and not have to think about refils during the day. I had a glass bottle for a while until it had an accident on the road and my stainless steal bottle tasted weird … So this was the next best option although I don’t let them heat up in the sun cause again- plastic…

We generally use these glass containers for our food. I was lucky enough to be gifted these through my grandparents estate and they work like a charm! I really wish Pyrex still made these! Our food definitely stays fresher in glass containers and if we do ever heat up food (rarely) I will ALWAYS use these as I do not believe microwaves and plastic mix at ALL.

On that note — storing food in jars is as aesthetically great as it is functionally great! Form and function in the one- I love it. I buy my jars from IKEA and transferring food into glass jars makes it so much easier to find things in a rush vs packets. I try to buy from bulk food markets to avoid the plastic load and just because I feel it’s better for the environment. My local bulk food market is Kunara at Buderim on the Sunshine Coast and they just let you put your items in paper bags- weigh them and then you can transfer them into your jars when you get home.

We also try to avoid using plastic bags by taking our own canvas bags that I made at home.

As for personal care — I NEVER buy those toilet flushing plastic thingos (what are they called?), good ol’ fashioned essential oils do just fine and I also use cloth pads which reduce plastics leaking transdermally into my body! This one is HUGE if you suffer from endometriosis or any other problems in your reproductive region. If you don’t have access to cloth pads- TOM organic make safe pads as do TSUNO.


My last tips would be to use a stainless steal or glass straw — they’re easy to keep in your handbag and once again reduce the need for plastic in your life. Also — bringing your OWN coffee cup to cafes — hot drinks and plastic lids (we don’t know where this plastic is coming from) don’t mix.

I know it’s not always possible to do ALL these things but by just putting your intention and focus onto reducing plastic will help your health and the world.

If you enjoyed this blog please let me know via:

also- I’ll be making a video on this topic soon so head over to BERRY BEAU on youtube and subscribe to my channel if it floats your boat.

What are YOUR tips on plastics and health? I’d love to get more ideas into my life.

Sending out the big love, xxx Em.



Emma - The Life Clinic

🌵Clinical Psychotherapist🌻 TikTok: @therapy_em IG: @thelifeclinic_